Category: FIRST Wild Card
Keeper of Reign Book 1 by Emma Right
Books written in blood. Most are lost, their Keepers with them. A curse that befell a people. A Kingdom with no King. Life couldn’t get more harrowing fro the Elfies, a blend of Elves and Fairies. Or for sixteen-year-old Jules Blaze. Or could it?
For Jules, the heir of a Keeper, no less, suspects his family hides a forgotten secret. It was bad enough that his people, the Elfies of Reign, triggered a curse which reduced the entire inhabitants to a mere inch centuries ago.
DawnSinger (Tales of Faeraven 1) by Janalyn Voigt
It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non-fiction, for young, or for old…or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!
You neer know when I might play a wild card on you!
The Skinny Budget Diet by Linda Goff
Get the strategy that was created in the kitchen of a 300-pound wife and mother who couldn’t afford another expensive weight loss plan. There was no more room in the family budget for ordering diet foods and supplements through the mail, no money to buy ongoing weekly support, and no way to pay for a high-priced weight loss surgery. Linda Goff had to find budget-friendly way to lose half of her body weight and keep it off for good. The Skinny Budget Diet was born.
The Amish Family Cookbook by Jerry and Tina Eicher and Creamy Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe
From bestselling author Jerry Eicher (more than 350,000 books sold) and his wife, Tina, comes this warm and inviting peek into an Amish kitchen, complete with recipes, Amish proverbs, and a dash of Amish humor. Readers will laugh, pray, and eat robustly with The Amish Family Cookbook at their side.
First Wild Card Tour ~ Changing Zip Codes: Finding Community Wherever You’re Transplanted
When your entire life drives off in a moving van, it’s easy for doubts to flood your mind. Will I ever be organized again? Will I find good friends? Will my children like their new school? Carol Stratton has experienced twenty-two moves and counsels others seeking stability in a culture of change. In Changing Zip Codes, Carol helps readers explore the fun of new possibilities, the magic of new friendships, and the excitement of fresh starts. With humorous stories and biblical insights, Carol reminds us God is in the midst of every move, leading us to new beginnings.
Creative Slow-Cooker Meals: Use Two Slow Cookers for Tasty and Easy Dinners
Hello, Slow-Cooker! Seriously, why have I NEVER thought to make a meal using both slow-cookers I own?! I haven’t as far as I recall ever used a cookbook so much since I first got it as I have Cheryl Moeller’s Creative Slow-Cooker Meals: Use Two Slow Cookers for Tasty and Easy Dinners.
My family doesn’t like ‘casseroles’ much, so I generally am still making a side dish in the oven or in the microwave if I’m making my meat dish in the slow-cooker. But not anymore!
First Wild Card Tour: The Juice Lady’s Weekend Weight-Loss Diet
Jump-Start Your Diet…
Detox Your System…
Lose a Dress Size…
Shrink Your Love Handles . . .
…with this two-day diet program that helps you get healthy for life.
Start Friday night with a juice or green smoothie dinner. Then have an all-liquid Saturday and Sunday breakfast and lunch, followed by a raw food dinner Sunday night.
FIRST Wild Card Tour: Ancient: Book Two: Deception

The Story Template – A Programmed Learner That Allows the Writer to Develop a Story from Chaos
THE STORY TEMPLATE is a programmed learner that allows the writer to develop her story from chaos. The book uses a series of exercises for the writer to construct her story’s four foundational pillars; learn how to use the “secret weapon” of story structure: the story template; build character depth and believable change; and construct subplots. THE STORY TEMPLATE then reviews writing techniques, and finishes with discussions of editing, writing the synopsis and query letter, submitting one’s work to agents, and types of publishing that the writer may wish to pursue.
F.A.I.R.I.E.S.: Baptism by Fire – Gift Guide Pick
Unwittingly chosen to join an army of fairies, who fight for the Light of the One, a teenaged girl learns about spiritual warfare as she attends a military academy with fantastical beings.
Here lies a most precious treasure,
Awaiting one Chosen to deliver.
Seek out the red cousins in the East,
For on this your greed mustn’t feast.