A Tale of Not Enough Ink

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Clearly I am a woman who likes to live on the edge.

I push the limits, eeking out the very last of everything, to get the most value – but I might have been presumptuous recently, when it came to how much ink I had left in my printer.

When we got engaged, my aunt filled a photo album full of recipe cards of tried and trued dishes, and gave it to me at one of my showers. It was one of the best gifts I got. A lot of those recipes are my staple go to ones still twenty years later.

I took a lesson from her, and now that is something I do for upcoming brides, except rather than write them out by hand on a recipe card – I print the cooking recipes from my documents, brand websites, or ones I find on Pinterest, and put them in a binder.

I was certain I had enough ink in my printer to print off enough recipes to fill a binder for my niece’s engagement gift. Yeah, yeah the little warning badge came up on my monitor, but really those are so conservative right?! It’s a ploy to get you to buy more ink…or so I thought….  My husband told me to purchase some more ink, but I insisted there was plenty left in the cartridges to print a few dozen pages yet.

And nothing like leaving printing those recipes until the last minute….like a half hour before we’re supposed to leave….

The whispers of my husband’s “I Told You So” eventually died away. And I was left giving my niece a handwritten IOU.

Lesson learned. I shall always have extra cartridges of Epson printer ink, or whatever kind I need for the printer I’m printing on, because the only thing more embarrassing then not showing up with my gift of cooking recipes, was having to hear my husband rib me all night long.

Material consideration was given for the writing and editing of this post. Published by Tammy Litke.

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